
At Robotec, we aim to offer our customers machined sheet metal products of the right quality at the right time, and at competitive prices.

This means that:

- We must fulfill our stakeholders' requirements and wishes and comply with applicable regulatory requirements.
- Each employee must have the right skills, education and resources for their task.
- All employees are responsible for ensuring the quality of their own work.
- We work well with our suppliers.
- We learn from our experiences and constantly strive to improve our operations and thus our business system.

Robotec AB

Monica Söderberg, CEO

We hold certification to ISO 9001:2015

Robotec AB

Plåtgatan 5
333 33 Smålandsstenar

Tel. +46 371-330 01
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Robotec AB

Robotec provides a complete service from beginning to end. If you know how your product should be designed, we will work to your specifications. We provide the entire chain: rolling, bending, welding, pipe bending, drilling, thread cutting and assembly.
Vi är ett kreditvärdigt företag enligt Soliditets värderingssystem som baserar sig på en mängd olika beslutsregler. Denna uppgift är alltid aktuell, informationen uppdateras dagligen via Soliditets databas.